Monday, March 25, 2019

100 WC - The Person Who Got Cross

There once was a person, all nice and kind, but sometimes, they got a bit cross, sometimes so cross, that they do things without thinking.

This particular day, they were cross about having to go to school, but they still went, chugging along, going to school.

When they got to school, they were still cross! They were so cross, that when someone asked for help, instead of helping them, they just walked off, so cross, that the person even hit someone!

When the person realized what they had done, they stopped being cross anymore, and went to help the one they hit.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

100 WC - The Boy and the Cookies

There was my cookie jar.
The cookies inside were sweet, soft, and perfect with milk.
I love my cookie jar, it holds my cookies.
The cookies, are the best food I know.
The cookies are perfect.
But when I try to get more cookies, the cookie jar was empty! What a surprise!
I need my cookies.
But there are no more.
The cookies are my sustenance, I need them.
I set out to buy more cookies, I go to the local convenience store.
There they are.
The amazing cookies.
I quickly buy them and go home.
And eat them.


Tuesday, March 5, 2019

100 WC - The Man and His Ladder

Once I saw a piece of pavement, some things seemed to stick out of it, when I looked closer, I saw they were coins!
I thought that was strange, but I kept going on with my business, I felt pretty happy, on my red ladder, spinning my wheel, round, and round.
I then went to take a break, for spinning a wheel round, and round, was hard work!
But when I came back, my red ladder was gone!
I then heard a terrible SPLASH!
My ladder had been thrown into the lake! It was sinking!
I rushed to save it, but I was too late. My ladder, was gone.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

100 WC - The Boy and His Chips

Once there was a boy, he liked salt and vinegar chips, but sometimes, the vinegar was too sharp!

When the salt was too sharp it was alright, and when there’s a balance it’s alright, but when the vinegar

is too sharp, it doesn’t taste good!

He tried many kinds of chips, but he always came back to the salt and vinegar chips, even if the vinegar

was too sharp.

One day he made his own chips, but when he tried them, the vinegar was also very sharp!

He tried to make good chips, over and over again, but he never was able to.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

100 WC - The Bear

I found a bear.
A small white one, with a ribbon, tied across his body,
I found it in a park, I decided to keep it, all battered and bruised,
Then I saw the poster.

Sir Fluffles
Small White Teddy Bear, has a red bow tied to him, if found, please call

It looked exactly like the bear I found in the park,
But I didn’t want to give him back.
Not after all the love I gave him.
But I felt guilty,
Thinking of a girl, who lost her bear,

Just like how I lost mine, when I rushed off a platform, and left my bear behind.

Friday, February 15, 2019

100 WC - Joe and the Orchestra

There once was an orchestra, full of music, and everyone was happy, except for one person, named Joe, whenever Joe played his instrument, it was completely out of tune!

All the other musicians, agreed to kick him out, but no matter how badly he played, the conductor wouldn’t agree, all of the musicians, thought of a plot, they poured some crude oil, all into Joe’s foil! And so Joe ate, but strange did he feel, all oily and mucky, even while eating an eel!

And everyone said, “So, Joe, how do you feel, with all that oily eel, in your meal?”

But Joe had passed, and he couldn’t reply.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

100 WC - The Boy and the Egg

There once was a family, who had a flickering fire in a fireplace, the family consisted of only a boy, and his two parents.
The boy was bored, it was a cold winter day and all they could do was sit inside, the boy decided to balance an egg on a spoon.
He went around walking, but he soon discovered it was much harder than he thought, and he soon dropped the egg into the fireplace.
The boy couldn’t find the egg when he tried to find it, it had disappeared!

The boy washed his soot black hands, dried it on the fringe of a tissue, and vowed never to balance another egg on a spoon.